Read Mariela Abreu’s Op-ed on How Local Law 97 Can Benefit Building Owners

March 2, 2022

In the latest issue of Commercial Observer, DBI Projects’ own Partner and Senior Director Mariela Abreu authored an op-ed on why Local Law 97 is a good thing for building owners in the long run, despite appearing arduous and expensive at first glance.

Drawing from her years of experience guiding building owners through New York City’s complex regulatory and approvals processes, Mariela lays out the big picture for how the controversial law impacts building owners, tenants, and New Yorkers at large. Acknowledging that new City regulations can be challenging at first, Mariela explains why in this case, the potential benefits of Local Law 97 are powerful drivers. Building owners have an opportunity to implement modifications to enhance energy efficiency that will ultimately cut costs, create better living and working conditions for their tenants, and help contribute to the betterment of our environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Since its founding in 2002, DBI Projects has distinguished itself as a hub of experts in strategic planning and project management, earning a reputation for its dedicated approach across a wide breadth of project types. Mariela joined DBI in 2010, quickly rising to become a senior leader in the company and to oversee a diverse portfolio of real estate and development projects around the world.

Read Mariela’s piece online here.

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Emily Puhnaty, Director of Business Development & Communications