Renelle Torrico Named NY Real Estate Journal Rising Star

February 28, 2024

We are excited to share that Renelle Torrico, DBI Project Executive and Head of Training, has been recognized as a Rising Star by the New York Real Estate Journal.

As a long-standing DBI team member, we appreciate all that Renelle brings to the team – whether it’s providing comprehensive training to new starters, her hands-on management style or her ability to face challenges head-on.

You can read the full article here.

Congratulations Renelle!

Recently, Renelle skillfully guided multiple influential stakeholders from a major global organization to consolidate their real estate assets, establishing a unified NYC headquarters in the Empire State Building. She navigated the process with clarity and tenacity, ensuring a collaborative and successful integration of various needs and perspectives.
Mariela Abreu
Partner, Senior Director, DBI Projects
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Emily Puhnaty, Director of Business Development & Communications